One of the biggest questions we get is: “what actually is chiropractic?” and “who should go see the chiropractor?”
The answer is simply up to you. You should see a chiropractor if you want to choose a natural, non-invasive form of physical therapy, whether you aim to eliminate pain, or to increase physical function.
Chiropractic is a physical therapy that aims to correct biomechanical structure, in order to improve body function. Structure changes in the body may include posture, joint range limitations and improper shortening or lengthening (weakening) of muscles.
Chiropractic aims to identify these adaptations and correct them over a period of time with a mixture of manipulations, soft tissue therapies and strengthening that will improve your body’s overall performance.
Some common problems we as chiropractors address include but are not limited to:
Mid/ Low back pain
Neck pain
Pelvic pain
Joint pain
Sleeping issues
Pregnancy pain
Shoulder issues
Leg pain/ Sciatica
Let us answer some questions.
Is chiropractic safe?
Chiropractic is not only safer than many serious interventions (such as drugs and surgery), it is also evidence based and proven to be very effective in immediate and long term pain reduction, function and performance enhancement and injury prevention.
Chiropractic doctors attend university for 5 years, completing 2 degrees and are trained in thorough assessment, diagnosis and and appropriate management for many musculoskeletal concerns. In Australia, chiropractors are board certified by the medical governing body, AHPRA.
What do chiropractors actually do?
In your treatment sessions, you can expect your chiropractor to perform biomechanical and pathological assessments, education and often a range of treatments including some soft tissue releases, rehab exercises and the chiropractic adjustment.
This adjustment may or may not be accompanied with an audible sound, and is an important part of restoring movement and function back to a dys-functioning joint.
After the treatment, most people feel immediate relief, with a possibility of a small amount of soreness, not unlike a massage or work out.
Bulk Bill Chiropractic
Can chiropractic services be bulk billed?
Yes! Upon referral from your GP, you may be able to claim up to 5 appointments through Medicare.
This is done on a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan (formerly known as Enhanced Primary Care Plan or EPC). Therefore it is based on the assessment of your GP and your Chiro working together.
What is a CDM? And am I eligible?
CDMs are offered through the Medicare Benefits Scheme to essentially help GPs and patients manage their long-term health conditions with Allied Health Providers.
Eligibility is generally determined by your GP and takes in consideration the chronicity of your musculoskeletal condition (usually 6 months or longer is considered).
Is it 100% Bulk Billed?
Some clinics may charge a gap fee for the rest of the appointment cost.
However, please note that Crest Chiro Como does not so there is 100% no out of pocket costs.